Snow Days

The joys of a snow day! Those here in Kentucky, of my age range anyway, will happily remember the music that accompanied the list of school closures. Now that I’m an adult and look back on it… I realize it is the same music that accompanied the beautiful synchronized swimming ladies at Sea World. A strange oxymoron if you ask me. Now as an adult running a tour company I still get the same thrill when I hear the music, but then realize that snow/ice days mean something else to an entrepreneur; disappointed tourists hoping to see the city, disappointed me who wanted to show them the city…. and no money for the day. 🙁 Thankfully there were only a few scheduled on the bus this icy morning… but thank you for understanding. I really do love giving the tours and are as disappointed as you. For now though… I’m working from bed… and actually had time to blog, which rarely happens. I’ll try to take some pictures of the icy trees out my window and upload them for you.. that would be cool. I think I’ll also see if I can find that synchronized-snow-no school-Sea World music on itunes and maybe download it on my phone… that would be nice. First though, better get another cup of coffee.  Awww…. a snow day.

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